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Des rencontres, trouver du sexe ou rencontrer quelqu'un de chaud(e) maintenant

malexxx43 44 H
6  Articles
;) xxxxxxxxxxxx coucou ses moi   13/10/2019

quelle place preferer vous pour une premiere rencontre

2 Commentaires, 7 Consultations, 2 Votes ,2.42 Score
Votre premier rendez-vous ici   7/7/2019

Des souvenirs de votre premier rendez-vous ici ?

3 Commentaires, 7 Consultations, 2 Votes ,2.42 Score
dimdim28000 30 H
3  Articles
comment ce passe un premiers rendez vous ?   8/5/2019

bonjours que faut t'il faire pour un premiers rendez vous ? <br><br> se mettre sur son 31 pour séduire le maximum parler de nos points commun pour voir le feeling( travail passions ....) être bien sur galant avec les demoiselles promener dans un endroit charmant pour séduire au maximum pour avoir 2eme rendez vous ....

1 Commentaires, 16 Consultations, 4 Votes ,2.08 Score
Lieu de rendez-vous   10/3/2019

Plutôt public, privé ou hôtel?

2 Commentaires, 11 Consultations, 5 Votes ,2.16 Score
sexylmale76 48 H
1  Article
quescque vous faite pour un premier rendez vous   25/12/2018

moi aller prende un café jaser est ensuite on vera par apres

0 Commentaires, 1 Consultations, 0 Votes
maco9134 51 H
5  Articles
comment   5/9/2017

quelqu'un pourrait me dire ou l'on peut trouver une boite à partouze

1 Commentaires, 9 Consultations, 3 Votes ,4.41 Score
les femmes   19/7/2017

la femme est comme le bon vin plu elle vieilli plu elle se bonifie mais heuresement pour les hommes que la femme existe elle nous apporte beautée plaisir des yeux fantasme desir et telement d autre chose

1 Commentaires, 13 Consultations, 9 Votes ,3.00 Score
sweetbadboy1993 27 H
2  Articles
comment etes vous au premier rendez vous ??   18/5/2017

comment etes vous au premier rendez vous ?

3 Commentaires, 20 Consultations, 7 Votes ,3.04 Score
Julie00769 34 F
0  Articles
HOMMES DAFFAIRE OU MARIER rencontre occationnel   9/4/2017


je suis une qui aime se faire gâter ...

En retour je t'offre de belles soirées remplis de surprises le jour, de soir. . Te sent tu pret!!?..

On trouvera bien...Un *moyen de moyenner ...*

a bientôt...????

12 Commentaires, 70 Consultations, 18 Votes ,3.81 Score
jacklepirate32 42 H
1  Article
Premier trip avec un homme   5/9/2016

Hey oui j'en ai longtemps rêve de me faire sucer par un homme et bien ce moment est arriver avec surprise. Un soir à l'hôtel je chattais pour trouver kkun pour me faire plaisir et en descendant dans l'ascenseur un belle homme de 50 ans tout au plus était la .Il me fit une remarque me disant Bonsoir jeune homme tu veux venir prendre un verre avec moi. Tout de suite j'ai accepté croyant qu'il ...

3 Commentaires, 50 Consultations, 20 Votes ,3.51 Score
rencontre serieuse amoureuse et coquine   26/3/2016

Bonjour jolie belle , un verre ou restau pour un premier RDV amical et si feeling plus à 2 voyager et te connaitre

1 Commentaires, 22 Consultations, 7 Votes ,2.28 Score
Torride33 53 H
2  Articles
Le plus important ... c'est quoi ?   9/3/2016

Est ce que vous privilegiez :

-l'apparence physique ...

- l'esprit et la bonne entente ...

Ou comme moi, c'est un tout ... ça se fait au feeling


2 Commentaires, 18 Consultations, 5 Votes ,3.47 Score
Rencontre   13/7/2015

Bonjours , j'aimerais savoir parmis les membres si vous rencontrez régulièrement sur le site?? biensùre je parle de partenaires différents car j'ai l'impression que c'est très très rare ici.... ou beaucoup parlent mais rien après.

2 Commentaires, 43 Consultations, 7 Votes ,3.30 Score
Daveninetee69 46 H
1  Article
First encounter with a T-girl.   7/9/2014

I went to a gay club. It was all new to me. I've always been pretty straight. Men never really attracted me, so I figured pretty early on that I must not be gay. I love girls. Women. And so I dated girls. And women.

But then, a gay friend invited me to have a drink at a gay club. Oh well, I thought, since I'm not into guys, I didn't see any harm in that. I had a good time there. It was ...

1 Commentaires, 23 Consultations, 7 Votes ,3.55 Score
beaufranco 48 H
1  Article
LA PREMIERE FOIS!   22/2/2014



2 Commentaires, 57 Consultations, 11 Votes ,3.73 Score
Fantasme sur ma première expérience non vécu gay   13/1/2013

J'ai 24ans. Depuis quelques années, j'ai un fantasme qui m’obsède. Avoir une relation sexuel avec une transexuelle. Me laisser guider par une belle trans avec une belle petite poitrine et une jolie queue. Petite anecdote, j'ai fait ce fantasme une nuit ou je dormais chez ma copine. Nous avions fait l'amour (toujours génial et pendant la nuit, j'ai rêvé de cette belle transexuelle. Nous ...

5 Commentaires, 60 Consultations, 12 Votes ,4.21 Score
football2351 38 H
1  Article
fuck on first date   2/10/2010

would you fuck on a first date?

1 Commentaires, 77 Consultations, 13 Votes ,3.98 Score
Kev664 34 H
1  Article
Petite Question pour C'est Dames!   13/9/2010

Salut Tous le monde j'aimerai avoir des conseille sur commen agir quand on rencontre quelqu'un pour la premiers fois quece que vous le femme rechercher et se que vous n'aimez pas !

Tous commentaiire est bon merci d'avance!

2 Commentaires, 34 Consultations, 3 Votes ,2.94 Score
josmith5 61 H
1466  Articles
pickup lines   31/7/2010

Be unique and different, say yes. Can I buy you a drink or do you just want the money? Do you believe in love at first sight, or should I walk by again? Hi, my name is {name}, how do you like me so far? Hi. Are you cute? I can sense that you're a terrific lover, and it intimidates me a little. I'm easy. Are you? I'm fighting the urge to make you the happiest woman on earth tonight. I'm trying to ...

0 Commentaires, 5 Consultations, 3 Votes ,1.96 Score
Sexe au premier rendez vous   21/2/2010

Que pensez vous de l'idée d'avoir une relation sexuelle à la première rencontre ? Pour? contre ?

Expliquez votre choix !

13 Commentaires, 206 Consultations, 19 Votes ,3.52 Score
rm_jijiridesxxx 37 H
1  Article
premiere rencontre   11/1/2010

la premiere rencontre est tres souvent la plus instuctive, malgré que nous ne somme pas toujours a l'age de comprendre ce qui nous arrive, decouvront une autre personne, de nouveau jeux, un nouveau corps tant d'exploration a notre disposition... aahh ce bon temps

1 Commentaires, 71 Consultations, 6 Votes ,3.08 Score
frenchparisd 31 H
1  Article
Voir si la est intéressé   4/1/2010

Salut j'ai découvert une technique pour savoir si la est intéressée. Lors de votre premier rendez vous dans un café par exemple, si elle est intéressée par vous, inconsciemment elle va calquer ses gestes sur les votres. Par exemple vous aller prendre votre verre pour boire et elle va faire la même chose inconsciemment. J'ai pu observer deux fois que ça marchais. Après si elle ne le fait ...

7 Commentaires, 377 Consultations, 33 Votes ,2.60 Score
cokincam2009 37 H
4  Articles
homme pour couple   4/11/2009

en espérant une premiere rencontre sur ce site ( je suis inscrit depuis 1 mois a peine), je voulais savoir quels sont les expériences que vous avez deja eu en tant que 2eme homme pour donner du plaisir à la femme faisant parti d'un couple .. racontez moi tout sa fera grandir mon imagination et ainsi pouvoir tout donner lors de mes prochaines rencontres réelles ..

1 Commentaires, 100 Consultations, 6 Votes ,3.08 Score
rm_54manu3 48 H
2  Articles
fantasmes ou réalités   29/10/2009

l'autre jour, j'ai pris le train pour rentrer du travail. J'étais en uniforme assis en face d'une femme (environ 40 ! mon âge..)Je la trouvais certes jolie et charmante mais lorsqu'elle me sourit et qu'elle en profita pour écarter ses grandes jambes je compris qu'elle était également très sexe. Je fis malencontreusement tomber mon magasine (le figaro pour info) et oui je suis aussi ...

1 Commentaires, 215 Consultations, 6 Votes ,3.08 Score
jeuneaimeadultes 26 F
7  Articles
le premier rdv inoubliable   20/10/2009

Je viens contactée par beaucoup des couple, je refusait regulierment. je suis très jeune et jolie, pas trop d'experience dans mon Pays à Londre j'avais connu beaucoup de fellations et sodomie mais vierge de chatte, j'avais connu des mecs j'ai donné ma virginité à 2 blacks parisiens. Un jour j'accepte un drink avec un couple , juste pour voir ce qui aimaint faire. moi 22ans elancè blonde , ...

15 Commentaires, 522 Consultations, 60 Votes ,5.50 Score
une belle rencontre   9/6/2009

Peu avant 14h00 on sonna. Je descendais, assez sûr de moi, malgré l'angoisse longuement réprimée et la peur de ne pas plaire lorsque je serai en face d'elle. J'ouvris la porte. Elle était là, devant moi. Je m'écartais immédiatement et elle fit un pas pour entrer. Je refermai la porte et me plaçai face à elle pour la regarder. Il ne fallu que trois secondes d'un ...

1 Commentaires, 211 Consultations, 7 Votes ,4.06 Score
couplebisensuel 48 C
1  Article
un contact   11/12/2008

bonjours dset moi, on ne peut vous envoyer de messages, on ne corresponds pas a vos preferences, et XNX Match and meet sexy singles online nous bloque

7 Commentaires, 221 Consultations, 11 Votes ,1.48 Score
Langue_caline 49 H
6  Articles
un dernier verre....   11/10/2008

Je te propose un dernier verre chez moi, à deux pas du restaurant. Te précédant pour monter l’escalier, je t’indique le chemin. Accueillis par une douce musique, le champagne est prêt. Nous nous rapprochons. Ta robe si moulante ne cache rien de tes formes, si généreuses. Nos regards chargés de tentation se croisent. Ca y est. Je t'invite à danser ce slow langoureux que nous ...

3 Commentaires, 234 Consultations, 13 Votes ,5.83 Score
dominiquenique3 66 H
1  Article
jeu de rôle   5/10/2008

J'ai vécu une expérience courant mars 2008, pour moi, un peu hors du commun... Sur ce site, j'ai conversé avec une femme habitant LYON , mariée et heureuse, mais insatisfaite sexuellement..elle recherchait des relations basées sur une soumission totale mais dans la douceur. Nous avons communiqué sur ce sujet et je lui ai proposé un jeu de rôle : "Je suis médecin sexologue et elle vient ...

1 Commentaires, 213 Consultations, 16 Votes ,4.60 Score
mchight 39 H
9  Articles
Les premières minutes du rendez-vous sont primordiales   24/9/2008

Les premieres minutes sont primordiales. Une amie chanteuse m’a explique qu’elle commencait toujours son concert avec quelques minutes de retard sans quoi le public n’etait pas aussi receptif. La meme regle s’applique egalement sans exception aux rendez-vous galants. Je recommande generalement un leger retard de 5 a 10 minutes qui vous evitera bien souvent d’attendre inutilement ou de ...

0 Commentaires, 86 Consultations, 8 Votes ,2.55 Score
rm_nitrate69 39 H
1  Article
A la recherche de la nouvelle star :D   4/8/2008

Bien le bonjour ou bonsoir à vous! Voilà, j'écrit ce petit article pour faire une petite demande... Je suis comme qui dirai lassé de tout ce qui est classique niveau sexuelle et je desire avoir un gros changement (tout en restant hetero :+P dsl pour les mecs que j attirent ^^)Je suis assez actif dans ma vie sexuelle.Avez vous des propositions à me faire???Ou des rdv? ...

1 Commentaires, 49 Consultations, 5 Votes ,1.51 Score
c'est ainsi   9/5/2008

c'est ainsi votre premier rendez-vous avec une ou des personnes du site!!!quelle etait votre état d'esprit , au bout de combien de temps, avec une seule ou plusieurs personnes!!!!comment cela c'est-il passé? ...

2 Commentaires, 150 Consultations, 3 Votes
chouquette0 41 F
1  Article
juste pour savoir le souvenir   25/2/2008

de votre premier rendez-vous avec une ou des personnes du site!!!quelle etait votre état d'esprit , au bout de combien de temps, avec une seule ou plusieurs personnes!!!!comment cela c'est-il passé? merci

8 Commentaires, 355 Consultations, 22 Votes ,3.13 Score
cooletdiscret26 33 H
16  Articles
femmes et couples   28/1/2008

pour toutes les femmes et coples recherchant la discretion et et une rencontre fiable ds le plaisir et le respect de chacun.manifestez vous et amusons nous

1 Commentaires, 109 Consultations, 9 Votes ,0.65 Score
cooletdiscret26 33 H
16  Articles
comment cela s'est-il passe?   27/1/2008

pour moi ca a ete tres bien aucune prise de tete, un plan q direct ds la discretion je dois avouer que l'adrenaline montait avant la rencontre.mais cela a ete tres sympa il ny a pas eu d'ambiguite avec ma partenaire.bref une bonne partie de jambe en l'air inoubliable

2 Commentaires, 220 Consultations, 15 Votes ,3.28 Score
rm_sidiouchka 57 H
1  Article
Romance espagnole   20/1/2008

Elle est venue « juste pour voir », a-t-elle annoncé au téléphone. Et lorsqu’elle se présente dans le bar, je comprends immédiatement qu’elle ne restera pas. Le rendez-vous va être un bide. C’est ma chance !!! Elégance, portant un ensemble en lin, la peau dorée. En plus son visage est un soleil. Mon D…, je tremble et je rage. Nous parlons vite de tout, de ...

2 Commentaires, 233 Consultations, 22 Votes ,5.29 Score
2 exemples de rateaux   31/10/2007

Bon, si on continue, je vais finir écrivain. Why not? Là, je suis en service commandé. Voilà l'affaire: ayant publié au sujet du 1er rdv, g évoqué, lors d'1 commentaire de commentaire, l'idée que l'on pourrait, nous les mâles, raconter aussi nos rateaux, nos ratages, les coups où çà n'a pas marché. Une gentille membre de la communauté que g rencontré (po, po, po, po! il va vite le ...

4 Commentaires, 292 Consultations, 11 Votes ,5.04 Score
Sexe et sentiments   27/10/2007

Bonjour à toutes et à tous Pourquoi certaines femmes pense t'elles que si elle couche avec un homme dés le premier rendez vous il la prendra pour une salope car les hommes couches au premier rendez vous et il ne demande que ca sont ils des salops ?

3 Commentaires, 125 Consultations, 5 Votes ,1.19 Score
On ne cueille une fleur qu'une fois...   16/10/2007

C'était un soir, un contact sur un autre site qu'XNX Match and meet sexy singles online (!!)

Elle me donne RDV à un café sur une place dans Paris.

Nous prenons un verre, nous parlons beaucoup, elle fume comme un pompier!! J'ai horreur de ça!

Mais elle a un corps bien fait même si elle est habillé comme un sac, avec une casquette!

Le visage un peu abimé par la cloppe et la fatigue aussi ...

1 Commentaires, 228 Consultations, 10 Votes ,3.58 Score
39 minutes   13/10/2007

Lisant un article sur le premier RDV et souriant à l'idée que l'on puisse se poser la question de savoir s'il est bien ou non de coucher lors de cette première situation à fort contenu érotique, j'ai eu l'envie de vous raconter l'histoire de mon record. Qué record? Ouais, mon record! Je crois que tous les mecs au moins aussi obsédés que moi ont un rêve qui va au-delà de la performance ...

3 Commentaires, 303 Consultations, 14 Votes ,4.26 Score
privilege2007 58 C
7  Articles
aider son h à trouver une partenaire   9/8/2007

Vous fréquentez les soirées echangistes. Souvent pour des relations entre couples, la femme d'un des couples va à la rencontre de l'autre femme afin de nouer les premiers contacts. Il me semble qu'il n'est pas si simple de "passer" le relais à son partenaire masculin. Souvent un des 2 hommes se sent exclu au début. Comment faites vous pour briser la glace ?

3 Commentaires, 143 Consultations, 15 Votes ,3.74 Score
privilege2007 58 C
7  Articles
Quel est le genre de film porno que vs aimez regarder ?   9/8/2007


Lors d'un premier rendez-vous, quel est le genre de porno que vs regardez en couple ? Il n'est pas si aisé de regarder ensemble un long-metrage excitant pour l'homme comme pour la femme. Comment procédez-vous ?

6 Commentaires, 120 Consultations, 16 Votes ,4.16 Score
leurres ??   29/7/2007

bonjour à tous , j'ai "parfois " des réponses à mes messages mais ces dames veulent toujours en savoir plus avant un rendez-vous....et rarement de rendez-vous ...il n'y a pourtant pas mieux que de se rencontrer en prenant un verre pour bavarder et faire connaissance ....n'y aurait il pas quelques fiches "attrape-nigauds" dont je ferais partie ??

1 Commentaires, 88 Consultations, 5 Votes ,2.16 Score
privilege2007 58 C
7  Articles
Soirée entre femmes   29/7/2007

Avec l'accord de mon mari, j'aimerais organiser une soiree coquine entre femmes, uniquement. Vous, organisatrices de soirees, ecrivez moi et donnez moi des conseils pour que cet evenement soit une pleine reussite. Bien sûr ai déjà eu des relations bissex avec d'autres femmes mais nous n'etions pas plus de quatre au total. Nous les femmes, sommes plus douces et caressantes que les hommes. Nous ...

2 Commentaires, 102 Consultations, 7 Votes ,4.57 Score
J'ai adoré ce 1er rendez vous   23/7/2007

Apres une courte correspondance par mail, coup de telephone on se donne rendez vous un apres midi Nous avons fais l'amour plusieurs fois sans parler des 69 et autres galipettes J'ai adoré et elle aussi depuis nous avons remis ça plusieurs fois. Et vous qu'en est il de votre premier RDV?

2 Commentaires, 240 Consultations, 10 Votes ,3.19 Score
rm_bzzzz68 56 F
1  Article
considérations des hommes   21/4/2007

Dites-moi, messieurs, que pensez-vous des femmes qui acceptent vos propositions (indécentes...) aux premiers contacts ??? Diriez-vous d'elles qu'elles sont des filles faciles ou qu'elles savent ce qu'elles veulent?

13 Commentaires, 508 Consultations, 35 Votes ,7.64 Score
lexxboy 59 C
10  Articles
Pourquoi?   7/1/2007

Pourquoi que les hommes croit que l'on doit avoir des relations intimes aussitôt le premier rendez vous terminer ???

11 Commentaires, 235 Consultations, 28 Votes ,4.37 Score
le plus beau...   25/12/2006

mais ca n徨rrive qu戟ne fois a chaque rencontre. c悶st triste, ce qui m惱blige a les multiplier. pauvre de moi...

1 Commentaires, 62 Consultations, 3 Votes ,1.96 Score
Douceurs et envoûtements   25/11/2006

Qu'y a-t-il de plus délicieux que les premières sensations? Ces moments où les regards se croisent pour une première fois. Moments où l'on croit percer un mystère dans le regard de l'autre et moments qui font augmenter les battements du coeur, jusqu'à en donner des frissons. Ces premiers instant où nous découvrons une nouvelle odeur, où nos yeux dérivent sur chaque petits ...

0 Commentaires, 13 Consultations, 2 Votes ,5.20 Score
000h_Yes_Darling 37 H
9  Articles

Le sujet est bateau je sais ...
Mais je viens de voir un reportage sur Planete sur les Fausses Identités sur les forums ...
Le Champion ? un de 14 ans de Manchester pris avec 193 Identités différentes ;o)))) ( Tue-moi si tu peux ) en ce moment sur Planete Choc )
Comme Quoi ... Avant de se monter la tête ...
Des Xperiennces de Fausses Identités ???

1 Commentaires, 160 Consultations, 5 Votes ,4.12 Score
Alors, c'était bien ?   22/11/2006

Salut, j'aimerais savoir comment s'est passé votre premier rendez-vous, si vous en avez déjà eu un, comment ca s'est passé et quelques details !

1 Commentaires, 99 Consultations, 6 Votes ,3.08 Score
Rencontre avec femme mature...   7/9/2006

Bonsoir, j'aimerais rencontrer des femmes entre 45 et 55 ans pour aventures sexuelles. Mesdames, allez visualiser mon profil et ma collection de photos sur ce site et... contactez moi !!

0 Commentaires, 57 Consultations, 2 Votes ,1.04 Score
yes   28/8/2006

le premier est le plus beau, le second est torride, le troisieme donne l'impression d'avoir vaincu... et les suivants, les suivants helas...

0 Commentaires, 35 Consultations, 3 Votes ,1.47 Score
rm_doslarge 50 H
2  Articles
La première fois   19/8/2006

Elle se couche avec un soupir... Elle essaie de détendre les muscles de ses belles jambes, et replie ses genoux tremblants : maintenant, le moment est venu. Elle a peur et ne cesse de lui répéter que c'est la première fois. Il la rassure en lui disant qu'il fera bien attention. Les doigts de l'homme frôlent involontairement la partie sensible... Elle est couchée, ses yeux ...

0 Commentaires, 143 Consultations, 15 Votes ,6.50 Score
sylvester316 50 H
7  Articles
aller a la peche   7/7/2006

j'ai rencontrer une femme qui me disait qu'elle aimait la peche. alors on s'est fixer un rendez vous.arriver a la destination, je remarque qu'elle n'a pas de ligne a peche ni de coffre, mais elle a une couvreture et des petits chapeaux d'amour.alores j'ai laisser ma ligne et mon coffre dans l'auto!

0 Commentaires, 285 Consultations, 9 Votes ,2.57 Score
rm_xliens 58 H
2  Articles
Photo avant ou pas du tout ?   12/6/2006

Est-il indispensable de connaitre le visage de son 1er rendez-vous avant !

1 Commentaires, 217 Consultations, 8 Votes ,3.01 Score
rm_petelesexy 61 H
0  Articles
dur de rencontrer une    10/6/2006

j'ai due envoyé 30 invitations pas une reponse.ont fait quoi?

2 Commentaires, 293 Consultations, 12 Votes ,5.45 Score
LoRoCaSt 40 C
2  Articles
Nouveaux-venus   29/5/2006

Bonjour à tous et surtout ...à toutes. Tous fraîchements inscrits, nous nous demandons s'il est réellement possible de faire des rencontres via ce site? N'allons-nous pas tomber sur une psychopathe ou une personne qui risquerait de "s'incruster" dans notre vie? A tous et surtout toutes, bonnes rencontres.

3 Commentaires, 226 Consultations, 17 Votes ,3.97 Score
rendez vous sexe à la piscine pr les filles   28/5/2006

Eh oui, tous les mardis soir à briquini!il uffit d'etre observateur!bisous à toutes

0 Commentaires, 126 Consultations, 1 Votes ,2.40 Score
rm_antoine1632 48 H
8  Articles
oui ou non!   7/5/2006

le sexe au premier rendez-vous ne démontre que l'intérêt physique...

0 Commentaires, 110 Consultations, 5 Votes ,2.82 Score
rm_lovely3374 57 H
2  Articles
Petit truc 'contact' pour membre   21/4/2006

Certes, on ne peut pas contacter les autres, mais on peut faire en sorte d'être contactable, en associant une adresse mail à son "titre d’introduction".

exemple: ours calin / j2gg78h3 AT jetable.com Pensez à remplacer le signe arobace par "AT" sinon le systeme supprime l'adresse automatiquement.

On se crée des adresses mail temporaires chez ...

1 Commentaires, 407 Consultations, 11 Votes ,6.16 Score
rm_mec1022 54 H
1  Article
compliqué.... de trouver quelqu`un....   20/4/2006

Comment faire pour vraiment trouver quelqu`un sur ce site.... je suis pourtant clair, net et précis... et surtout beau bonhomme, propre et cool...
J`au laisser au moins 15 messages, pas de réponse...pourquoi...
je ne sais trop comment faire pour comprendre tout ce principe de communiquer sur ce site...
a + tout le monde

0 Commentaires, 323 Consultations, 6 Votes ,3.37 Score
1 er rencontre   19/4/2006

comment faire pour rencontrer ?je croyais ace site je suis decu

0 Commentaires, 261 Consultations, 5 Votes ,2.49 Score
lamine50 48 H
7  Articles
Faux   22/3/2006

pas les premiers rdv, LE PREMIER. Le plus beau, celui qui décide tout. Celui ou on touche la premiere fois, celui ou on s'émoustille... Ou on fait trois gouttes... Ca devrait toujours le premier rdv. Mais alors on raterait à jamais la première fellation, cruel dilemne...

0 Commentaires, 80 Consultations, 7 Votes ,1.77 Score
krazyrider2 48 H
3  Articles
petite annonce .....   9/1/2006

Avis aux personnes du sexe féminin, demoiselle(s), femme(s) mariée(s), jeune(s) ou mure(s).... Je serais interressé pour organiser un jeu erotique, coquin, voir sexuel dans la région d'Annecy (Haute Savoie). Imaginer : on ne s'est contacté que par messages interposés, on se donne RDV un jour et une heure bien précise à un endroit convenu (Parc, Grand Magasin, Parking), on se donne ...

0 Commentaires, 143 Consultations, 1 Votes
rendez- vous   2/1/2006

j'aimerai savoir comment il faut faire pour obtenir sont premier rendez vous

0 Commentaires, 490 Consultations, 4 Votes ,2.08 Score
latortueninja2 63 H
1  Article
Oseront-ils   2/1/2006

Je suis surpris par le nombres de Mails envoyé soit par moi-même ou les autres membres qui restent sans réponse.Il me semble que nous sommes sur un site d'adultes et que nous devons nous attendres à avoir des mails de contacts pour une anventure sexuelles et non pas joué à la marelle. je suis conscient que les membres standar n'on pas beaucoup de possibité de réponse mais ales ...

2 Commentaires, 549 Consultations, 15 Votes ,5.27 Score
rm_abdl24000 60 H
2  Articles
le premier pas   22/11/2005

bonjour je ne sais pas comment vous avez fait en ce qui me concernne je ne trouve pas facile de se rencontrer dans une boite libertine quand ont ne connais pas le milieux et que l'on est célibaire si vous avez des conseilles je suis interréssé merci par avance et trés gros bisous partout aux femmes

0 Commentaires, 292 Consultations, 2 Votes ,3.12 Score
addited_to_noise 35 H
3  Articles
public ou intime?   13/8/2005

Est-ce que pour un 1 er rendez-vous c'est mieux d'aller a une place genre resto , ciné ou bien c'est mieux d'inviter la personne chez soi. Une place neutre est toujours bien je penses. Aimez-vous que le monde vous voit ou aimez vous une relation intime?

3 Commentaires, 516 Consultations, 12 Votes ,2.27 Score
rm_yves_yhp 51 H
1  Article
Difficulté   29/6/2005

Toute la difficulté est comme dans toute relation de trouver les mots, les sujets de discussion. Comment ne pas tourner autour du pot? Mais ne pas être trop directe non plus. Personnelement je n'arrive pas à trouver le bon équilibre... <br> A l'aide....

0 Commentaires, 320 Consultations, 10 Votes ,3.39 Score
ou ?   16/5/2005

generalement lors d'un 1er rdv coquin ça se passe ou

7 Commentaires, 1881 Consultations, 44 Votes ,1.90 Score
baladeur06 70 H
0  Articles
rencontres   11/5/2005

Question posee aux specialistes des sites de rencontres.Ressent on toujours les memes impressions aux des rencontres?

1 Commentaires, 255 Consultations, 6 Votes ,2.51 Score
Ricardeau 72 H
7  Articles
Premier rendez-vous   16/3/2005

Pourquoi ne pas être au naturel. Cela risque de plaire beaucoup plus que d'essayer d'en mettre d'aventage. Soyez naturel. Ricardeau

0 Commentaires, 225 Consultations, 14 Votes ,0.90 Score
Premier rendez-vous   16/3/2005

Lorsque j'ai vu sa voiture garée à la sortie de l'autoroute, mon coeur a battu plus fort. Comment allait-il être ? une photo échangée cela ne montre pas tout et surtout pas le caractère. Allait-il me busquer ou bien m'amener tout doucement à la réalisation de mon fantasme ? Assise à l'arrière, je tremblais mais sans oser trop le montrer. J'ai dû un peu trop parler....Son ton de ...

1 Commentaires, 896 Consultations, 51 Votes ,4.74 Score
71stocks71 52 H
2  Articles
Premier contact...   12/3/2005

Lorsque l'on a un premier contact sur XNX Match and meet sexy singles online et, que cela traine dans la périodicité des échanges, faut-il laisser tomber ou percévérer ???? Pour ma part je persévere. <br> Par contre, je suis perplexe (peut-être trop naif), internet doit permettre de nouer des contacts directs, rapidement, sans bla-bla, sans hypocrisie, les speudos servant à cela : on trouve ou on zappe... ...

1 Commentaires, 375 Consultations, 15 Votes ,2.98 Score
Chez le toubib   18/2/2005

Mon premier rendez vous chez le toubib etait du à une rubéole carabinée contractée alors que je jouait à l'entrepreneur véreux dans le bac à sable. Cette expérience fut oubliable.

0 Commentaires, 301 Consultations, 12 Votes ,0.50 Score
jai peur du premier rendez vous   8/11/2004

sa fait long temp que lon recherche une femme pour comblé nos désir et jai bien peur que celle si soit trop pressé davoir une relation et nous trouve enuyeux de vouloir dabor la connaitre davantage. pour nous ses importent de la connaitre et de créé un lien damitier avans que lon puisse allé plus loin

0 Commentaires, 301 Consultations, 41 Votes ,2.30 Score
not really a date   19/4/2021

I was 18 and walking home from school one afternoon when a guy calls me and ask for a hand. I say hand for what and he says holding a door for me to fix. I say okay and walk to his garage and look inside and see two guys holding a car door and I walk in. They say thanks for stopping we need some help with this and someone to hold the drive shaft till we get it hooked up. <br><br> ...

3 Commentaires, 87 Consultations, 4 Votes ,3.63 Score
what happens   11/11/2020

what is the norm for first dates from meeting someone through here?

7 Commentaires, 129 Consultations, 2 Votes ,3.12 Score
New Years Eve and a hard cum.   25/10/2020

I had met Janice on XNX Match and meet sexy singles online. We had coffee at a Starbucks in the neighborhood and chatted amicably. I sort of got involved with other hotter gals until New Years Eve a few months later when I found myself without a date and horny. I called Janice and to my surprise she graciously invited me over to her house to watch TV as New Years rolled in across America. <br><br> We chatted and ...

2 Commentaires, 169 Consultations, 3 Votes ,1.47 Score
Summerheat882 51 C
1  Article
Viagra   15/8/2020

How to tell if some one is on viagra. First they are sensational brick hard. Secondly the can go forever. Our mfm the gut was on viagra made a great event.

0 Commentaires, 30 Consultations, 0 Votes
ValleyLover16 54 H
5  Articles
Meatloaf Magic   5/6/2020

A blast from the past since my life is fairly boring theses days! We’ve been neighbors for quite some times now. I always noticed you when you’re out emptying the trash or checking your mailbox, but other than casual hellos I never really talked to you that much, even though I was stripping you with my eyes every time they landed on your beautiful plump figure, imagining the loveliness of the ...

0 Commentaires, 96 Consultations, 2 Votes ,0.34 Score
advise   3/6/2020

Any advise for meeting first time?

0 Commentaires, 6 Consultations, 0 Votes
SarahLem80 40 F
2  Articles
New first dates   2/6/2020

I’ve been fairly well behaved over the last few months for obvious reasons, sticking to seeing a close couple of guys when we can. I am really eager to start having more fun again, what are people’s thoughts on meeting up with guys for the first time? I’ve been chatting with several guys I really want to see

9 Commentaires, 189 Consultations, 17 Votes ,4.68 Score
Doekfngj 22 H
1  Article
How to impress a woman on a first date   17/5/2020

Men I know many of you have had butterflies in your stomach on the first day. The way to an impress a woman on a first date is to have great clothing, compliment her, and show her your genuine personality. For the clothing, make sure you are wearing something you look good in. When you compliment her make sure you give her specific compliments because she has probably hear that she is pretty a ...

4 Commentaires, 101 Consultations, 8 Votes ,4.64 Score
ValleyLover16 54 H
5  Articles
Quarentined no more.   12/5/2020

Just as I was about to give up on her and begin to establish a new online relationship my favorite kitty. She texted me on a Wednesday eve. We had been teasing each other in the chat rooms for a little over three months, critiquing each others stories, exchanging flirts and having cybersex weekly, We had no choice as the governor had ordered everyone quarantined. Then she suddenly vanished. Now ...

1 Commentaires, 56 Consultations, 4 Votes ,4.41 Score
SPcplefun 50 C
0  Articles
Sensual massage as husband watches :)   5/5/2020

I know what you mean about exchanging stories with someone and how you can't with the usual circle of friends. SOO, exciting to be able to get new ideas that are worth talking about. <br><br> Our best one so far was our friend that we've met with a few times. First he's got a great personality and he's funny as hell! He lives in a beautiful house on the water. ...

1 Commentaires, 86 Consultations, 3 Votes ,2.94 Score
Advantage496 61 H
0  Articles
My first time sucking cock   13/4/2020

I was in my late 30’s and I traveled a lot with my job in medical sales I was spending the nite in a hotel in Wichita ks after a long day on the road I’d had started watching bi porn whenever I was traveling, my wife knew nothing about my desires. I decided a shower and drink in the hotel bar was in order before I came back to the room to watch it and jack off to the big cocks on the screen I ...

10 Commentaires, 332 Consultations, 16 Votes ,5.77 Score
Have you ever dated someone with a disability?   20/3/2020

I have and it was not bad. I am very open minded and enjoyed our time. It can be worked around and have changes at time but I would not say anything bad. We both took care of each others needs with nothing less than normal. Different but I can suggest it and would do it again. How about you?

0 Commentaires, 1 Consultations, 0 Votes
Adventurecpl47 77 C
16  Articles
We sometimes fuck on the first date   17/3/2020

We met Fred & Wilma (not real names) on XNX Match and meet sexy singles online. After a couple of emails and a chat on the phone, we agreed to meet. They live about 2 hours from Calgary. We were a bit anxious on the agreed Sat. so we waited for them to arrive at our house. They arrived at about 3:00 PM and we greeted them. We sat down to chat and they seemed so very nice. Fred was slim and Wilma b bit on the ...

4 Commentaires, 211 Consultations, 16 Votes ,4.60 Score
DominantNW 60 H
3  Articles
Try Again   16/3/2020

We had been chatting on here for a month and had progressed to heavy flirting and some saucy pictures, so I casually suggested why not meet for a drink in Manchester and see how we get on. <br><br> I proposed Friday night at 6, at a nice quiet tapas bar in town. <br><br> I arrived early (5.50) got a beer, and settled down. <br><br> minutes later I had worked ...

0 Commentaires, 75 Consultations, 4 Votes ,2.86 Score
new first date   4/3/2020

this past sat night I met a guy for first time for drinks. it was made awkward because he read my article about first dates. it got even more awkward when I met someone I know before the guy arrived........I wanted to spend a bit of time chatting with him but had to rush him off by saying I was meeting someone. <br><br> the bar was pretty busy but I was easy to spot as I told him what ...

8 Commentaires, 299 Consultations, 24 Votes ,5.97 Score
Crazy first dates   3/3/2020

I have met a few women from online and it is really strange. I had a booty call some over and be very shy and a real date come over and we go right to sex. I think a few years ago online dating has been better but today it has been more games and shy people. There are more people around and online but less people that are willing to meet or go out for fun. I'd really like to know how it is ...

0 Commentaires, 3 Consultations, 0 Votes
do it babe   26/2/2020

"Oh my god! Don't you dare fucking stop! I am almost there!" After another few seconds, she came with a scream. "FUUUUCCKK! I'm coming!" <br><br> The way her body convulsed nearly knocked my back out of alignment, but I wasn't done with her yet. I let her orgasm fade and then starting slowly licking my way down. Her legs were bent back now, giving me a ...

1 Commentaires, 104 Consultations, 8 Votes ,4.41 Score
C00kieDuster 36 H
2  Articles
first date tips   20/2/2020

Here are some of mine, what are some of yours? <br><br> -Talk on the phone when scheduling your first date -Meet in public for a drink -Have a friend or family member know where you are going and what you are doing <br><br> First dates are just that, first dates. Don't feel pressured in doing something you are not comfortable.

3 Commentaires, 65 Consultations, 5 Votes ,3.80 Score
DiscreetM23 50 H
1  Article
Great first time   11/2/2020

I really enjoyed my first meet up from here. How has everyone else been doing?

0 Commentaires, 5 Consultations, 1 Votes ,5.00 Score
Bcsuperhero9999 50 H
5  Articles
what is a first date in 2020   9/2/2020

I have been here on XNX Match and meet sexy singles online and single for so long, I am not even sure how to venture back to the realm of real dating. How and what should be a first date be. Funny enough I came here looking to get away from the the dating and move to something more consistent with adult fun, but here I am now missing out on some of the components of actual dating, and a bit nervous about blowing a first date by ...

3 Commentaires, 74 Consultations, 4 Votes ,2.86 Score
what is expected these days ?   2/2/2020

mom taught me that you never kiss on a first date. at college it was never let them get to second base. after divorce it was never fuck on first date. ok just the basics I guess. my point it why do men think they are entitled to something these days. I mean I want it as bad as they do but I still want a chance to decide if I like then before I start fucking. <br><br> I admit I have ...

12 Commentaires, 188 Consultations, 20 Votes ,5.17 Score
stretch dat hole   29/1/2020

erry then precedes to get on top of me. She grabs my cock and puts it in her wet, cum filled pussy. Now that my cock is lubed with both of our cum, she slowly guides it into her ass hole. Right away she rides me extremely hard. My cock goes in and out of her gaping asshole and we both can't get enough. <br><br> After a few minutes I cum again inside her ass. She pulls my cock out ...

1 Commentaires, 60 Consultations, 8 Votes ,4.87 Score
Illbcnu6969 37 H
9  Articles
Anal on the first date   28/1/2020

Would ya ask to do anal?

2 Commentaires, 38 Consultations, 6 Votes ,5.36 Score
Flashhhotrod 54 H
10  Articles
Dinner or quick coffee   28/1/2020

Which is mire appropriate for an XNX Match and meet sexy singles online first date ? Or is drinks thecwsybto go , wevall kniw ultimately it's all about the sex !!

2 Commentaires, 44 Consultations, 2 Votes ,1.04 Score
Flashhhotrod 54 H
10  Articles
Local coffee shop   24/1/2020

Yep the shop is loaded with a ton of first dates . Who's apart of this scene ? Locally they are booming , are you apart or against it

0 Commentaires, 28 Consultations, 9 Votes ,4.49 Score
supercobrapack 48 H
4  Articles
What's a real date   24/1/2020

I havent heen on a date for years. Dating in todays world is terrible. People just dont seem to have a heart theses days. What do you think.

0 Commentaires, 3 Consultations, 2 Votes ,5.20 Score
First meetings...   23/1/2020

I always try to first meet someone at a public place and just talk and see if things click and go from there. <br><br> what do you guys/gals prefer. do you ever have a first date just come over to your place?

1 Commentaires, 16 Consultations, 6 Votes ,3.65 Score
Curiousx90 32 H
4  Articles
Anal..   22/1/2020

Tell the first time you had anal and how it felt

0 Commentaires, 38 Consultations, 9 Votes ,1.93 Score
SomethingSoft70 55 F
9  Articles
My name is   21/1/2020

Let’s meet hug and fuck

10 Commentaires, 66 Consultations, 21 Votes ,6.22 Score
Mall meeting   21/1/2020

I was talking and video chatting with this woman and we decided to finally meet...I met her at the mall and we walked around talking and joking and then decided to go get a room at a hotel... would that be considered a first date ... just meet and then happy fun times

1 Commentaires, 50 Consultations, 12 Votes ,4.74 Score
What do most people on here do for first dates?   21/1/2020

For my other first dates online I have been more short term or one time meet ups, how about you? This site more meet up or long term? Id love to hear and I am open to many options

0 Commentaires, 0 Consultations, 0 Votes
Jchris2018 45 C
18  Articles

Its always the SAME story- but this ended with a positive result !!!!!!! <br><br> LAST year 2019 we offered approximately 55 invites to meet us, at different times over the year. <br><br> ONLY 15 men showed up to meet even though each was DOUBLE confirmed via message on the site, text message via cell phone and in some cases video verify when we have the time. ...

5 Commentaires, 79 Consultations, 20 Votes ,4.40 Score
Mitchums1601 56 H
10  Articles
In my opinion   16/1/2020

I believe first dates should be as pressure free as possible. Going somewhere public, getting to know one another with NO expectations. Allow yourselves to see if there is a true connection. Also learn about the persons dislikes, and if you wish to continue, strive to avoid those things. It is amazing to meet someone the first time. You are making a memory to last a long time

2 Commentaires, 47 Consultations, 26 Votes ,4.10 Score
Wayneb518518 42 H
5  Articles
First time   12/1/2020


0 Commentaires, 46 Consultations, 19 Votes ,2.86 Score
Newtothearea1523 39 H
12  Articles
What's that   12/1/2020

Any first timers on ?

3 Commentaires, 31 Consultations, 20 Votes ,3.64 Score
WetNTastyy 39 F
6  Articles
Would you fuck on the first date?   12/1/2020

If I am horny yes I will fuck on the first date.

4 Commentaires, 25 Consultations, 6 Votes ,3.65 Score
Newtothearea1523 39 H
12  Articles
Points   11/1/2020

How do they work

0 Commentaires, 21 Consultations, 13 Votes ,2.81 Score
Newtothearea1523 39 H
12  Articles
When?   11/1/2020

I've had plenty of lovers in my life and maybe only had 2 first dates. builds this up?

0 Commentaires, 18 Consultations, 11 Votes ,2.42 Score
LonelyInBill 54 F
4  Articles
who fucks on first date   10/1/2020

i will fuck anyone with big dick on first date

3 Commentaires, 9 Consultations, 1 Votes ,3.70 Score
Timepiece201i 56 H
5  Articles
Does the bra and panties match   10/1/2020

Women this is for you. If your bra and panties match on the first date. Foes this mean your having ?

4 Commentaires, 55 Consultations, 18 Votes ,1.90 Score
SxyLatinJazz_4u 51 H
1  Article
The chat the music some dancing and romancing   9/1/2020

It's always nice enjoy a drink with some friends relax and . Everyone once in a while you just have some chemistry. <br><br> I did with the beautiful brunette hidden behind glasses. She was a smart teacher had a sneaky freaky side. It took a of drinks some flirting and dancing some fun live music find more. We enjoyed each other's company, jokes, choices in drinks ...

0 Commentaires, 34 Consultations, 20 Votes ,2.74 Score
tallcool2013 49 H
21  Articles
bj ok?   8/1/2020

is it ok to deep throat on a first date.asking for a friend

3 Commentaires, 61 Consultations, 29 Votes ,4.04 Score
metrowestfun30 35 H
7  Articles
how do people usually meet on this site   7/1/2020

What do people usually do on this site? Sex on first meeting? Meet for a drink first?

3 Commentaires, 25 Consultations, 13 Votes ,2.81 Score
Best meeting places for small towns?   7/1/2020

Ok folks - I live in a small nosey bible thumping community. Anyone else in the same situation and have found discreet places for first time meets? Out of town travel is not an option - other than saying hello in Walmart - anyone have any suggestions?

2 Commentaires, 44 Consultations, 23 Votes ,3.13 Score
Worst First dates   7/1/2020

We know weve all had them, anyone care to share some of their worst first dates?

6 Commentaires, 47 Consultations, 17 Votes ,3.41 Score
Timepiece201i 56 H
5  Articles
Friends   6/1/2020

So tell us about your first date from this site

4 Commentaires, 34 Consultations, 15 Votes ,3.74 Score
Meeting Strangers   4/1/2020

Do you have any cues on how to make sure you're not in danger when first meeting someone for sex? What are your red flags? How do you get out of a potentially dangerous situation? <br><br> Sorry, if it has been brought up before! Thanks for answering anyway!

0 Commentaires, 39 Consultations, 17 Votes ,3.13 Score
1980hwl 53 H
25  Articles
Sexual tension   4/1/2020

The best experiences of new unexplored partners. Anticipating the first of so many things to happen here. What is best way to rekindle this year our first experience of passion?

0 Commentaires, 26 Consultations, 13 Votes ,4.15 Score
chans878 33 F
3  Articles
my first date   3/1/2020

i have meet a man on first date i was drunk and we fuck so hard lol

16 Commentaires, 106 Consultations, 31 Votes ,4.97 Score
firt meet ups   31/12/2019

whats the best way have a first meet? public or private? how about if meeting as a couple?

6 Commentaires, 50 Consultations, 23 Votes ,3.48 Score
Kikhhhotrod 53 H
11  Articles
New Year's Eve   30/12/2019

It's almost new year s eve , who's actually thinking about first dates? First sex w strangers ? It's a festive time of year but also a stressful time who's looking and who's chatting ? Is it a private house party or a bar scene ?

1 Commentaires, 27 Consultations, 22 Votes ,3.01 Score
Alwaysshorny19 23 F
1  Article
To fuck or not on a first date   29/12/2019

You know when you are so attracted to somebody and have such strong sexual chemistry it’s very hard to hold back from sex on a first date. Are women still seen as sluts if they sleep with a man on the first date or have we finally moved on from that?

15 Commentaires, 102 Consultations, 44 Votes ,5.16 Score
Unusual first date   28/12/2019

Have a date coming up and looking to switch it up. Was thinking the aquarium or a rib joint

2 Commentaires, 22 Consultations, 15 Votes ,2.82 Score
18BigBoi2019 24 H
2  Articles
Any ladies have any advice on a first date?   26/12/2019

I’ve never had do date stuff before (I’ve ever been with older women were already married, therefore a date was off the table), and the I’m talking now wants go on a date. I’m not a very romantic person, but I want her feel like I am. Any advice would be much appreciated.

0 Commentaires, 5 Consultations, 3 Votes ,4.41 Score
Who out here wants to date?   26/12/2019

Does anyone want date anymore? I think most people are looking for fun....a few encounters... mostly with different people. I'm no different. I want have some fun and get a little . Thoughts?

2 Commentaires, 26 Consultations, 14 Votes ,2.02 Score
Coolhungdude 38 H
4  Articles
On the first date   25/12/2019

What are thoughts on sex on the first date? If its mutually wanted is it still inadvisable? I don't think so as long as protection is used.

1 Commentaires, 34 Consultations, 20 Votes ,3.64 Score
5  Articles
Misleading men & Non functioning equipment   24/12/2019

I'm not a fan of first encounters. It's akward & nervous & I'm probably not going to climax. But it has to be done to get to the fun dates. I sympathize with men for the pressure they face to perform on a first date. But there is available & if you know you have a problem get a prescription. Don't make a woman that. has just met you, suffer through an hour of an ...

15 Commentaires, 114 Consultations, 34 Votes ,4.41 Score
Kikhhhotrod 53 H
11  Articles
Where to go   22/12/2019

Looking to get a good feedback on great girdtvmeets . It is do different to build that trust to meet out so where have you gone that works. Like to hear from both the me. And women as to what really works . Where is your comfort zone. Do you stay local travel a bit away from Home or look to meet those close or far away ?

0 Commentaires, 21 Consultations, 13 Votes ,2.98 Score
Hot First Date   22/12/2019

Back when myspace was a thing I met a woman on there and we had an instant connection we talked for weeks. We ended up finally meeting up and we went back to my place and had sex all day. It was an unbelievable experience.

1 Commentaires, 32 Consultations, 16 Votes ,2.98 Score
Cocktail intro   20/12/2019

Its always fun to meet for a cocktail and do the flirt across the bar, ease over to say hello scene.....how many have interest? or just prefer going to a bar just to meet? <br><br> I prefer the fun aspect of the flirtation!

3 Commentaires, 43 Consultations, 18 Votes ,1.62 Score
Goldenman56x 68 H
7  Articles
Control   19/12/2019

Ha a fist date in university and got back to her place. After kissing she pulled out my cock and asked me if I would respect her if she blew me. What a dumb question, I would have promised my first born with her stroking my hard on.

1 Commentaires, 46 Consultations, 23 Votes ,3.48 Score
Doyouwantitnow86 38 H
2  Articles
XNX Match and meet sexy singles online DATE   18/12/2019

The first time I ever hooked up with someone from here was in Alaska. Kinda nervous at first, but once we hung out for a few minutes everything was o After that the rest is history. The sec was always great everytime we hooked up. MISS THOSE DAYS!

6 Commentaires, 37 Consultations, 21 Votes ,2.88 Score
yowlerjr88 53 H
3  Articles
lets hear some good stor]]ies   17/12/2019

tell us some good juicy stories about first dates dont hold back

0 Commentaires, 22 Consultations, 16 Votes ,2.39 Score
MercedCouple209 53 C
47  Articles
Beths first play date   16/12/2019

Here is some of beth getting fucked by <br><br> If you want to see more become a fan and send a frind invite and be sure to tip [image]...

3 Commentaires, 76 Consultations, 31 Votes ,4.39 Score
Funnest First Date Spots   15/12/2019

Where are some of the funnest first date meeting places you all have experienced?

1 Commentaires, 19 Consultations, 12 Votes ,2.98 Score
frndshipforlife 32 H
6  Articles
First date with gf   15/12/2019

Here are the main question is first date is with gf or with frnd or with would be wife Every date will be different and different player So with gf you already with relation so you start with some close chats and doing close thing <br><br> With frnd you will be looking to be make her your g so you will be very careful.and with would be wife sure this is only and only carefulness So ...

3 Commentaires, 23 Consultations, 18 Votes ,3.67 Score
Bristolman999 42 H
8  Articles
Looking for fun   14/12/2019

Anyone real on here and up for anything

1 Commentaires, 12 Consultations, 8 Votes ,2.55 Score
9  Articles
Do you do it on a first date?   8/12/2019

The dating world has changed tremendously over the last 20 . Men and women both seem engage in sexual activity much sooner in a relationship. Gone are the days of slow courtship and making out on a sofa. Nowadays it is either a kiss good night or right the bedroom. Having sex on a first date is not necessarily a relationship deal killer. While it’s in a woman’s nature over-analyze, I ...

5 Commentaires, 71 Consultations, 30 Votes ,3.24 Score
9  Articles
Do you do it on a first date?   8/12/2019

The dating world has changed tremendously over the last 20 . Men and women both seem engage in sexual activity much sooner in a relationship. Gone are the days of slow courtship and making out on a sofa. Nowadays it is either a kiss good night or right the bedroom. Having sex on a first date is not necessarily a relationship deal killer. While it’s in a woman’s nature over-analyze, I ...

2 Commentaires, 34 Consultations, 13 Votes ,2.64 Score
luvlicnu69 57 H
5  Articles
First dates   8/12/2019

are not easy without points on here?

1 Commentaires, 6 Consultations, 4 Votes ,5.19 Score
First meetings   7/12/2019

Id assume most people like to meet in a public place for there first meeting.

1 Commentaires, 16 Consultations, 13 Votes ,3.81 Score
what is the limit?   7/12/2019

is there any limit to have sex of first date?

2 Commentaires, 23 Consultations, 13 Votes ,3.31 Score
Wayneb518 44 H
5  Articles
First time   7/12/2019

U should get points on the first date

1 Commentaires, 26 Consultations, 15 Votes ,2.67 Score
Gunzzyy 29 H
1  Article
Check to see if XNX Match and meet sexy singles online is where you should be!   2/12/2019


1 Commentaires, 25 Consultations, 13 Votes ,2.64 Score
Wayneb78518 41 H
5  Articles
First time   1/12/2019

First impression for points

4 Commentaires, 28 Consultations, 14 Votes ,3.46 Score
69Goodatetnu 57 H
6  Articles
Make sure   1/12/2019

you maximize points on first dates

0 Commentaires, 0 Consultations, 0 Votes
69Goodatetnu 57 H
6  Articles
Make sure   1/12/2019

you maximize points on first dates

0 Commentaires, 1 Consultations, 1 Votes ,2.40 Score
B00biesman 42 H
7  Articles
What base is best on the first date?   30/11/2019

How far would you go?

3 Commentaires, 42 Consultations, 16 Votes ,2.98 Score
DirtyThoughts002 43 H
6  Articles
Best place   29/11/2019

What are some great places, other than bars, to take a first date?

6 Commentaires, 35 Consultations, 17 Votes ,2.70 Score
YoungHuungNow 35 H
3  Articles
Looking for advice   29/11/2019

Any good places for first dates in socal?

0 Commentaires, 20 Consultations, 15 Votes ,2.06 Score
I want that big fat cock she says   27/11/2019

Hey everyone well I'm going to start by saying I met this young women she was hot and sexy I met her at the mall we talked for Abit the I asked if she wanted to watch a movie with me that night she said yes so I picked her up around 830 that night she was looking hot short skit and a shirt that stop just above her belly button man did I just want to stay at her house man slide her skirt up ...

4 Commentaires, 73 Consultations, 24 Votes ,3.24 Score
First threesome?   26/11/2019

What is a good way to meet up and start a threesome? As in you know the people and just a good way to meet and greet before the festivities. Do most of you go to a bar or what?

1 Commentaires, 20 Consultations, 17 Votes ,2.42 Score
First date ( sex or no sex )   26/11/2019

Ok, I am sure I will get a number of responses both ways here, but do you should expect sex on a first date? I know for me ( only me ), if you are just dating to maybe find that "special one", then maybe you should hold off on the first date. If he ( or she ) is worth it, the second date will tell the story. Now.. with that being said ( again just my take) I want it to be clear with ...

5 Commentaires, 35 Consultations, 16 Votes ,2.39 Score
onebigpickle 40 H
5  Articles
Your go to place   25/11/2019

Your Go to place on a first date?

1 Commentaires, 20 Consultations, 9 Votes ,2.57 Score
one4me_three4you 64 H
7  Articles
So then she....   25/11/2019

So then she.... <br><br> And I couldn't believe, so I.... <br><br> And then she... <br><br> I mean, can you imagine?

0 Commentaires, 18 Consultations, 13 Votes ,0.63 Score
Fuck on first date👍   25/11/2019

Looking for action here. Tired of fakes n flakes let's FUCK

0 Commentaires, 20 Consultations, 13 Votes ,1.97 Score
First meeting   24/11/2019

So for the first meeting i like to either take it slow and get to know each other, or have too many drinks and get naked What is everyone's opinion on this? What do you like to do. Love to hear some stories too.

23 Commentaires, 110 Consultations, 49 Votes ,5.61 Score
First sex   20/11/2019

I was 16 and she was 31 and knew what she was doing, so hot

2 Commentaires, 53 Consultations, 33 Votes ,3.88 Score
skyposeidonn_ 37 H
3  Articles
Quiero conocerte   20/11/2019

buscame en sype: poseidonn_

1 Commentaires, 24 Consultations, 18 Votes ,1.90 Score
DirtyThoughts002 43 H
6  Articles
First date.   17/11/2019

What was the craziest first date you had? What was the best first date you had? Any first date regrets?

1 Commentaires, 30 Consultations, 19 Votes ,2.20 Score
Bilaljohn002 30 H
5  Articles
69   16/11/2019

Do you ever tried this??

1 Commentaires, 6 Consultations, 2 Votes ,1.04 Score
Meeting   16/11/2019

Where do you like meet someone you meet on here for the first time?

3 Commentaires, 33 Consultations, 20 Votes ,2.49 Score
SeriouslyHung32 44 H
3  Articles
does height really matter   15/11/2019

how much does height matter when you date someone. please discuss

4 Commentaires, 46 Consultations, 24 Votes ,2.11 Score
Losing my V in college   14/11/2019

I didnt start fucking til i got to Atlanta for school. I was playing soccer for the uni and we had a female ref and i didn’t think there was anything to her. But after i got subbed off she kept staring at me so after the game i lied and said she was making good calls and shit. we went out afterwards to grab some popeyes and she fucked me in her car right outside my dorm lmao

2 Commentaires, 44 Consultations, 23 Votes ,2.08 Score
ptlook87 37 H
5  Articles
who wants to meet?   14/11/2019

Would love to find a freat first date, message please

1 Commentaires, 17 Consultations, 16 Votes ,1.95 Score
nite_axn 39 H
5  Articles
happy endings   14/11/2019

ya i would consider myself a charmer..coz i usually already have mesmerised my potential partner over the phone and messages..guess it pays to have a deep manly voice..then the date is just a formality coz i usually take them to bed on my first dates...married and a slightly older than me are my type, experienced but hungry as well..they do know how to please me and i do know how to sweet talk ...

1 Commentaires, 37 Consultations, 25 Votes ,1.47 Score
Fuckintines11 36 H
5  Articles
Dates   12/11/2019

First dates are always the best when her and I end up naked first thing

4 Commentaires, 43 Consultations, 17 Votes ,1.57 Score
first move   10/11/2019

who should make the first move?

2 Commentaires, 27 Consultations, 22 Votes ,2.05 Score
9  Articles
Do you already have your mind made up   10/11/2019

Before a first date do you already have your mind made up that you won’t go bed with your date on that first meet? <br><br> I’ve met a few woman who say yes, not on a first date even though they want after meeting. They want have a second date with the full expectation that we will have sex, something look forward too. It seems like they are afraid it’s sex on the first date ...

3 Commentaires, 24 Consultations, 12 Votes ,1.92 Score
Can't remember the last time   9/11/2019

I've gone on a first date. seems pointless at this point in life

1 Commentaires, 15 Consultations, 10 Votes
Can't remember the last time   9/11/2019

I've gone on a first date. seems pointless at this point in life

1 Commentaires, 17 Consultations, 14 Votes ,2.02 Score
Can't remember the last time   9/11/2019

I've gone on a first date. seems pointless at this point in life

1 Commentaires, 14 Consultations, 10 Votes ,2.59 Score
Can't remember the last time   9/11/2019

I've gone on a first date. seems pointless at this point in life

0 Commentaires, 9 Consultations, 7 Votes ,1.26 Score
sex FD   9/11/2019

is it possible to get so much attracted to have sex from the first date

3 Commentaires, 17 Consultations, 10 Votes ,2.39 Score
Surprise BJ   9/11/2019

I didn't realize it was even a date! I met another guy at a bar to have a drink and watch the game. At half time, he asked if I wanted to finish watching at his place, so we left. After a few drinks, he got up to use the bathroom. When he came , he was only in his boxers, and he walked right toward me. He stood in front of me, and just pulled his dick . I had never been with a guy before, but ...

1 Commentaires, 37 Consultations, 8 Votes ,4.41 Score
judyzwillis2345 37 F
3  Articles
The excitement that comes from saying “Yes   7/11/2019

The excitement that comes from saying “Yes” to a first date has you feeling confident and fabulous. This vibe may stay with you straight through to the date itself. Or, a pesky series of “what if’s” could start playing on repeat in your head. “What if your date looks nothing like his picture? What if there’s awkward silence? What if you eat something sketchy?” Queue the scene ...

1 Commentaires, 6 Consultations, 1 Votes ,2.40 Score
first date idea   6/11/2019

hey there . so ? what are most women on here looking for on a first date

1 Commentaires, 22 Consultations, 15 Votes ,0.99 Score
rmlookn4some14 55 C
7  Articles
Tell it like it is   6/11/2019

Truth is something that seems to elude people when describing themselves in their profiles. I find it a particularly "dark" place when confronted with having to deal with someone's lies, half-truths or misinformation. I would like to take an opportunity now to shed some "light" on the topic in this article as a form of advice. **********Be truthful********* How ...

7 Commentaires, 50 Consultations, 24 Votes ,4.49 Score
Consolecollector 32 H
5  Articles
Points   5/11/2019

For the points again

2 Commentaires, 15 Consultations, 10 Votes ,2.19 Score
Mrmagnum1973 41 H
21  Articles
Sexquality   3/11/2019

Why are we all here sex I am hoping that I'm not the only one who thinks sex on first date is ok Ladies stop the game it's a day where women do more then men All aspects of life. Get some dick if u really want some Yolo

1 Commentaires, 25 Consultations, 19 Votes ,2.33 Score
First meet nervousness   3/11/2019

Why do I get so nervous before meeting someone. Trying not to sweat down and collect myself. The excitement is there but over coming the nerves can be difficult. A few drinks would certainly ease the pressure but not everyone drinks. So would do you guys suggest to ease the nerves of meeting someone for the first time.

2 Commentaires, 12 Consultations, 9 Votes ,2.36 Score
Hook up with out of town milf part 2   2/11/2019

I left off on first part where once we come in and a little conversation, it was onto the fun stuff. She begins to caress arms and chest (while I'm still clothed). I ask if she's comfortable kissing then we begin make as I make way on top of her. cock hardening inside pants as it presses against her thigh. Clearly it was time undress. I get up and pull shirt off as she ...

1 Commentaires, 35 Consultations, 15 Votes ,2.21 Score
Hit me up Lets have fun.   2/11/2019

Kick me. cj881991

1 Commentaires, 12 Consultations, 11 Votes ,0.55 Score
ekselll 50 H
3  Articles
Vanessa in Poitiers   30/10/2019

One of her lovers told her the following story one day: After graduating with a bachelor's degree, she decided to enroll in Modern Literature at the university. She didn't want to go home every night to Mom and Dad so she could have more freedom and have fun. So she chose the city of Poitiers. She explained to her parents that the Faculty of Arts was very well known and that it was better ...

0 Commentaires, 19 Consultations, 12 Votes ,2.27 Score
Hook up with out of town milf   30/10/2019

A few weeks ago, I got a message from a woman I haven't talked to for a while. Our acquaintance was merely a pic sharing and video chat type of relationship. Clearly that stuff tends to die off quickly when distance becomes a problem in actually meeting. <br><br> Well several months go by and a message appears saying she will be close to my location because of business for her. ...

3 Commentaires, 41 Consultations, 11 Votes ,2.79 Score
Needhungnowpleas 57 H
11  Articles
What they really want   28/10/2019

All lot of women want to take it slow on a first date but some want that cock. True our false?

2 Commentaires, 20 Consultations, 12 Votes ,1.03 Score
First date   25/10/2019

A completely and utterly nerve wracking event!

0 Commentaires, 19 Consultations, 11 Votes ,2.23 Score
johnsubbuf69 38 H
2  Articles
Where to meet first?   25/10/2019

where do you guys like to meet first? I know I probably shouldn't but I really get a Ruch from meeting at someones house for the first time, really turns me on that I dont know what to expect, ....

0 Commentaires, 0 Consultations, 0 Votes
What are the top 5 best moves to make the 1st date a sensual adventure   25/10/2019

Who has the tried and true best moves to make the 1st date/meet an activity to come back for more

0 Commentaires, 18 Consultations, 11 Votes ,2.05 Score
Sissynonpass 34 T
1  Article
First date all dressed up   24/10/2019

I would love hear from t gurls and lovers about any first time fully dressed dates. I am about go on first next week. Just nervous.....

3 Commentaires, 30 Consultations, 14 Votes ,2.02 Score
Came out with the best   24/10/2019

Dude you can't expect a student accommodation give you a room at short notice, we all had apply months in advance. They probably don't have any rooms free. Try a hostel or air bnb in the mean time.

0 Commentaires, 13 Consultations, 7 Votes ,2.53 Score
First date?   24/10/2019

What’s the best and worst first date you’ve ever been on?

0 Commentaires, 14 Consultations, 9 Votes ,1.72 Score
Would you have anal sex on your first date?   23/10/2019

If someone asks in you do anal would or wouldn't or maybe try it and see how it feels. or female or ts.

2 Commentaires, 20 Consultations, 6 Votes ,2.80 Score
Where to go.   21/10/2019

Where should someone go on their first date with an women they met on XNX Match and meet sexy singles online?

2 Commentaires, 14 Consultations, 10 Votes ,1.39 Score
SillyWill4fun705 38 H
3  Articles
Terrible at them   21/10/2019

I find myself terrible at "dates". I have no issues meeting new people for sex, but the anxiety of having to entertain them through dinner and activities can be overwhelming. I say I am terrible at them but I've only really ever had a couple of bad first dates that were actual dates. <br><br> I was never really big on relationships growing up. They didn't work out ...

0 Commentaires, 11 Consultations, 7 Votes ,0.75 Score
TS   21/10/2019

What to expect on first date with TS women?

3 Commentaires, 24 Consultations, 10 Votes ,1.79 Score
car   20/10/2019

does anyone feel odd in a car still?

3 Commentaires, 18 Consultations, 9 Votes ,3.43 Score
True life   19/10/2019

Gotta do it right so you can fuck that

1 Commentaires, 10 Consultations, 5 Votes ,2.16 Score
ekselll 50 H
3  Articles
Happy Birthday   19/10/2019

I admit that this story is not mine. It came to one of my best friends. My first time was with a young girl who was also the first time. Very classic and little to tell. Just a great memory for both of us. So excellent that thirty years later... we are still in contact and very good friends! But he... it was very different. Let's call him Christian. At that time, he worked in a fast food ...

1 Commentaires, 16 Consultations, 6 Votes ,4.50 Score
BeautyLust560 66 F
1  Article
Hello there   19/10/2019

First dates are really scary because meeting someone for the first time you never what this person is going to be like you just got to hope and pray for the right one to come and hope we get along as well is there any guys there single no young dudes either me up

12 Commentaires, 60 Consultations, 25 Votes ,5.34 Score
Jozef335 28 H
0  Articles
Teeny girl   19/10/2019

creampie really deep inside tiny teen girl's pussy

5 Commentaires, 45 Consultations, 19 Votes ,5.37 Score
LoveEmNasty 41 H
9  Articles
a best place for a first date?   18/10/2019

Is it my place, your place, hotel, or the movies? I prefer hotels for first dates this was the crazies don't know where you live

2 Commentaires, 11 Consultations, 7 Votes ,3.04 Score
Original First Date Ideas   18/10/2019

Please provide your intriguing and original first date idea/locations. <br><br> Personally I like to have coffee at a cafe and then go to the library... where we can read and fuck.

0 Commentaires, 3 Consultations, 3 Votes ,3.43 Score
Magic Panties   17/10/2019

I recently travelled to Utah. Never in my wildest dreams would I think I’d fuck a woman on a short trip from this website, but that’s exactly what happened. She came to my room, and before I knew it, my cock was in her mouth. She was very gifted and had a tight pussy. Perfect.

0 Commentaires, 7 Consultations, 2 Votes ,2.42 Score
HARDlyused18 39 H
5  Articles
Where to go   16/10/2019

Aside from the obligatory "public"first meeting type "date", where does everyone go ? I know from chatting that most people dont want to necessarily invite play mates home, hotel/motels are passe and $$$ - ideas?

0 Commentaires, 10 Consultations, 6 Votes ,3.08 Score
Does anyone   15/10/2019

go on a first day to a place you can maximize your points on a loyalty program?

1 Commentaires, 20 Consultations, 10 Votes ,2.39 Score
actually meeting   13/10/2019

You know that a lot of people are just too scared to actually to try to meet? I believe it stems from people in the past playing games and not meeting. plus the game players out here make it hard for the real people who actually want to meet...

4 Commentaires, 30 Consultations, 20 Votes ,2.74 Score
bostonfunguy35 41 H
5  Articles
condoms on first meet   12/10/2019

Do people here generraly wear condoms on first meet up?

1 Commentaires, 5 Consultations, 2 Votes ,3.12 Score
lopos19 29 H
1  Article
YEAH   10/10/2019

One and done

0 Commentaires, 13 Consultations, 10 Votes ,1.79 Score
BWcoupleou812 43 C
4  Articles
Anyone remember their first date ever?   10/10/2019

With and what happened?

1 Commentaires, 16 Consultations, 10 Votes ,3.58 Score
Kissmenow2016 38 H
4  Articles
First time   8/10/2019

What was your first time like with someone from XNX Match and meet sexy singles online

2 Commentaires, 8 Consultations, 3 Votes ,2.94 Score
Has anyone...   8/10/2019

On a first date been influenced by and are such a point whore have gone to a place knowing they will get a large point return?

2 Commentaires, 20 Consultations, 12 Votes ,1.92 Score
ekselll 50 H
3  Articles
Shopping   8/10/2019

I was shopping in a DIY store (the one with everything you need) in the lighting department, a woman in her fifties approached me to ask me if I could grab a box at the top of the department, which I obviously did, she thanked me and naturally told me I had to find someone to put it on, I told her with a little smile: don't set it on? She replied that this can also be done, I smiled at her ...

2 Commentaires, 44 Consultations, 13 Votes ,3.48 Score
Needhungnowpleas 57 H
11  Articles
Kinky lady’s   8/10/2019

We’re are are the fun kinky ladies in Az let’s play

1 Commentaires, 7 Consultations, 4 Votes ,1.30 Score
Needhungnowpleas 57 H
11  Articles
Kinky lady’s   8/10/2019

We’re are are the fun kinky ladies in Az let’s play

2 Commentaires, 18 Consultations, 8 Votes ,3.01 Score
Needhungnowpleas 57 H
11  Articles
Kinky lady’s   8/10/2019

We’re are are the fun kinky ladies in Az let’s play

0 Commentaires, 5 Consultations, 3 Votes ,0.98 Score
Needhungnowpleas 57 H
11  Articles
Kinky lady’s   8/10/2019

We’re are are the fun kinky ladies in Az let’s play

2 Commentaires, 10 Consultations, 5 Votes ,2.82 Score
MMF   7/10/2019

What is the best way to approach your first mmf on the first date when the three of you are going out for drinks before heading back home all together?

1 Commentaires, 25 Consultations, 18 Votes ,3.53 Score
lickurpussynow69 41 H
6  Articles
fucking on the first date   7/10/2019

do you think its bad to fuck on the first date maybe in the past but the present everyone does

2 Commentaires, 11 Consultations, 6 Votes ,2.80 Score
wantingunowinroc 41 H
8  Articles
i was 42 she was 24   5/10/2019

i got a phone number and texted her she had me pick her up we went to a bar had a few drinks i took her home she invited in me in took me right to her bed room and before i knew it she had her panties pulled to the side and i was tasting her my cock was so hard licking her bald 24 year old pussy and then i started fucking her she was so tight i fucked her for hours making her cum all over my cock ...

3 Commentaires, 31 Consultations, 15 Votes ,2.21 Score
wantingunowinroc 41 H
8  Articles
first date continued   4/10/2019

so after i layed her on the bed and was licking her pussy she wanted 69 but i just put her legs way back and started fucking her. she was so wet she was cumming all over cock.. I told her i wanted her to turn around for she reached back between her legs grabbing for cock i was fucking her good and told her to with balls becacause that gets super hard i could tell she was submissive i ...

0 Commentaires, 12 Consultations, 7 Votes ,1.00 Score
wantingunowinroc 41 H
8  Articles
clicking on a first date   3/10/2019

Once i chatted with someone on here and she invited me over het place for a drink. I knocked on the door and she let in . she didnt even say anything she just started kissing and unzipped pants and started stroking cock. I picked her up and carried her her bed lay her on her back put her legs way back and started tasting her, she was loving licking her pussy and said she wanted in her ...

1 Commentaires, 19 Consultations, 13 Votes ,2.30 Score
TysonDra9 36 H
7  Articles
First date XNX Match and meet sexy singles online...   2/10/2019

When going on a first date with someone from XNX Match and meet sexy singles online, are you automatically thinking something sexual will happen? Do you prefer to clarify what is expected, or do you prefer to throw caution to the wind?

2 Commentaires, 17 Consultations, 11 Votes ,2.23 Score
0v3rhere 43 H
4  Articles
Bareback   1/10/2019

Bareback on 1st date acceptable or not

0 Commentaires, 4 Consultations, 3 Votes ,1.47 Score
NeedANastyGirl45 40 H
5  Articles
Has been asked before   29/9/2019

Meeting women off of this site, do you actually go on dates? Or is this just meeting uo for action? I haven't been on a date yet from here

1 Commentaires, 8 Consultations, 5 Votes ,2.16 Score
StCloudCouple19 34 C
1  Article
Unexpected Fun on First Date   28/9/2019

This was a few years back. I was talking with someone on Plenty of Fish. On both our profiles it said we were looking for long term relationships so I wasn't expecting a quick tinder hook-up thing or anything like that. We exchanged emails over the course of a few weeks and the conversation was totally PG. <br><br> Well we finally decided to meet. I said she could come over and ...

5 Commentaires, 61 Consultations, 31 Votes ,5.16 Score
Gold   28/9/2019

I love finding gold not paying for it

0 Commentaires, 19 Consultations, 14 Votes ,2.34 Score
Georgiaman28119 30 H
18  Articles
Date   28/9/2019

What would be fun first date for y'all

1 Commentaires, 23 Consultations, 15 Votes ,3.28 Score
First dates from XNX Match and meet sexy singles online   27/9/2019

I would love to hear first date stories from people who met from this site? Do people actually meet on here? If so, how was the experience?

3 Commentaires, 30 Consultations, 17 Votes ,2.70 Score
jcnsc4u 44 H
3  Articles
First first date   26/9/2019

Who remembers the very first date you went on? More than likely it was in high school. I remember being a scared to death jock who just asked out the hot cheerleader who was actually 2 years older. I had no expectations, very limited experience, and questioned why did she agree to go out with me. We went on the typical high school date for the 90s, dinner and a movie. Everything was going ...

0 Commentaires, 30 Consultations, 14 Votes ,2.66 Score
6  Articles
2 weeks WTF?   25/9/2019

I met a woman on XNX Match and meet sexy singles online awhile back, , we talked everything was good, ,we met had great sex, ,, I cummed in her face , , she swallowed my load, I cummed in her pussy and asshole too, , then all of a sudden she disappeared, , not text reply, , and she hasn't been online, ,.. Was she married and husband out of town? You tell me?

9 Commentaires, 66 Consultations, 29 Votes ,3.94 Score
How Many   25/9/2019

Are getting it in the first time you meet?

1 Commentaires, 16 Consultations, 11 Votes ,1.30 Score
Surprise tranny part 1   24/9/2019

So on a Friday night I’ve made plans with pretty sexy lady. We met on a dating site. Well, we chatted a lot at first then decided to meet. Of course it was in both our plans to fuck but it was unspoken. I get to her house and she tells me to let myself in so I do so. So upon entering I thought to myself seems like a hot porno scene is about to happen lol. She comes down stairs casually dressed ...

3 Commentaires, 67 Consultations, 25 Votes ,2.25 Score
Swalloed my cock whole   24/9/2019

Well have you ever ? Had a date where u were with a hot shy female but not she didnt end up bieng so shy after all .. Well i want out on a date on the weekend with a hot sexy women who acted shy .well we got to are destination the movies but asoon a the movie started she started to give me a blow job man was that good she gave me the best blowjob ever Swallows it all man was it great but didnt ...

1 Commentaires, 41 Consultations, 18 Votes ,2.72 Score
Eatitupnbeatit44 33 H
10  Articles
Try to have fun   23/9/2019

Keep your woman happy n always eat her pussy before you fuck her

0 Commentaires, 8 Consultations, 7 Votes ,2.28 Score
?   21/9/2019

Gotta be yourself and go with your gut feeling

1 Commentaires, 12 Consultations, 7 Votes ,3.30 Score
lokin4sex69 73 H
3  Articles
how many   20/9/2019

How many think a girl should suck your dick on the first date ? Should be established right away to see if ya want to invest any more time !!

4 Commentaires, 36 Consultations, 26 Votes ,4.00 Score
lurch4040 51 H
9  Articles
they are ok   19/9/2019

usually the first date goes well if you have time to chat or text beforehand. at least you will have something in common. you can start there as a conversation starter

1 Commentaires, 23 Consultations, 6 Votes ,1.66 Score
M4WNSAfun2 44 H
5  Articles
fuck on the first date   14/9/2019

how often should one fuck on the first date

5 Commentaires, 37 Consultations, 16 Votes ,4.30 Score
12josh1 35 H
5  Articles
Limits on first encounter   14/9/2019

Do people general have limits on what they do on first encounter? Or are they up for anything within their normal comfort range?

2 Commentaires, 18 Consultations, 8 Votes ,0.70 Score
Hot24Real 42 C
5  Articles
Hot first dates   13/9/2019

Had sex a bar . Inside the both

3 Commentaires, 36 Consultations, 21 Votes ,2.01 Score
men ? no thanx   12/9/2019

met some one on here, got into a steamy conversation, the respondent was up for serious fun but reluctant to send fotos, i carried on but had my suspicions, after several more chats , i demanded fotos, as no fotos came i asked for a whats app no nothing came , i cut off contact , then i received a foto , not surprised , it turned out to be a guy, YUK, im not gay or bi , i love m chicks, so in ...

1 Commentaires, 28 Consultations, 20 Votes ,2.49 Score
Exciting car play wanted   11/9/2019

Looking for a woman who would like to meet up in a parking lot and suck my cock

1 Commentaires, 14 Consultations, 11 Votes ,0.92 Score
BretPat1972 51 H
3  Articles
Best place to meet for the first date for Mature Singles   11/9/2019

I find that so many women don't want to meet up in a bar or at a restaurant. Most would like to meet outdoor in a public space, park, festival or sports event. Is this true, don't any women just like to cuddle up and binge watch some Netflix. I like to dance and music. <br><br> Where do women like to meet up for a first date? Or if they just want sex do you want to meet ...

0 Commentaires, 19 Consultations, 11 Votes ,0.74 Score
bunny boiler   10/9/2019

i was not married at the time i kicked a chick i caught red handed, cheating on me, it was the bitch from hell, i misjudged her badly, all the signs were there i should have realised when she told me she did not work , i busted my ass from 6 till 7pm every day mon friday, she expected me keep her forever, it is true when people say love blinds, she tried come back and kept hounding me , ...

0 Commentaires, 22 Consultations, 12 Votes ,2.45 Score
youreatastytreat 49 H
5  Articles
First date sex   10/9/2019

Who wants to fuck on the first date in Toronto?

0 Commentaires, 7 Consultations, 5 Votes ,1.84 Score
lookin2eattheY 46 H
6  Articles
Oral   10/9/2019

Who thinks giving oral on the first date is OK

2 Commentaires, 15 Consultations, 9 Votes ,2.57 Score
first date   8/9/2019

i live going on first dates because i get a rush of adrenaline. It's the feeling of meeting somebody new and fantasising about the new kinky things they will be into.

0 Commentaires, 8 Consultations, 6 Votes ,1.37 Score
mtl_boy_toy 42 H
4  Articles
How far do you go on a first date with people from this site   7/9/2019

I've had and miss experiences on here. So, this is a site where people are looking for a good, fun, naughty time - or least I thought. How far you people go on here on the first date?

2 Commentaires, 26 Consultations, 12 Votes ,2.62 Score
elenaphant 31 F
2  Articles
When to say yes?   6/9/2019

Sifting through the messages, trying figure is safe go with, might be a serial killer, might just be disappointing. At what point do you just say "fuck it, just go for it" ????? Idk, I want just let loose and enjoy myself but I'm too afraid for my safety

2 Commentaires, 40 Consultations, 22 Votes ,3.25 Score
Bbcforyou480 39 H
5  Articles
Best and worst first date   4/9/2019

Would sex on the first date be a good or bad sign in your opinion

2 Commentaires, 28 Consultations, 19 Votes ,2.20 Score
bangmywifenow22 18 C
9  Articles
First dates   4/9/2019

You can never go wrong with dinner and movie and some weed, let’s be real let’s get high go eat something and then go to the movies and then go back to my place for a romantic evening and see where it goes from there

4 Commentaires, 46 Consultations, 32 Votes ,4.65 Score
bangmywifenow22 18 C
9  Articles
First dates   4/9/2019

You can never go wrong with dinner and movie and some weed, let’s be real let’s get high go eat something and then go to the movies and then go back to my place for a romantic evening and see where it goes from there

4 Commentaires, 35 Consultations, 21 Votes ,4.49 Score
fitst dates   4/9/2019

best first dates ideas

1 Commentaires, 9 Consultations, 8 Votes ,1.62 Score
Heavyhanger4u 49 H
6  Articles
First date oral   4/9/2019

I have been seeing alot of requests recently from females for oral om first dates. Having been out of dating game a little while, i am curious if this is the new normal? Any experiences you have had with this?

2 Commentaires, 24 Consultations, 12 Votes ,2.45 Score
Patoff6969 43 H
5  Articles
If   3/9/2019

Ya if we can have

0 Commentaires, 7 Consultations, 6 Votes ,2.23 Score
Is anyone having any luck in OKC   2/9/2019

Just curious

2 Commentaires, 12 Consultations, 9 Votes ,2.57 Score
Meeting   1/9/2019

Do most people on here meet in a public place then go from there. Or do you just meet at a hotel or one of your houses.

0 Commentaires, 17 Consultations, 8 Votes ,2.55 Score
domkoenig   31/8/2019

i m at university in germany , many years ago. there is a chick i really like , but im getting nowhere, im not pushing as well dont want to scare the bunny away , , shes short , blonde , huge tits , well spoken and classy, after monts of waiting , i see my chance , i hear a big star is coming to zurich , i wana see him and so does she , so i proceed , and ask her if she wants to go , She ...

2 Commentaires, 40 Consultations, 7 Votes ,2.28 Score
rowdyrough1 36 H
5  Articles
contact   30/8/2019

what is a private way to keep in contact?

1 Commentaires, 14 Consultations, 10 Votes ,3.58 Score
Bigcockandnuts10 27 H
7  Articles
First dates   29/8/2019

Would you consider it a first date if all you do is talk on the phone all the time then finally meet in person and just have sex 😂

1 Commentaires, 7 Consultations, 4 Votes ,3.25 Score
Parking lot meeting   27/8/2019

We decided to meet in the parking lot of a mall. It wasn't hard to find an out of the way spot. She got there first. I arrived and got in her car. We spoke awkwardly for a few minutes. She saw me looking down her shirt and said something. Soon we were kissing and groping. I was soooooo hard. I pulled her skirt up and fingered her to an orgasm as i sucked on her tits. suddemly she ...

3 Commentaires, 42 Consultations, 12 Votes ,2.98 Score
Joke time ..   25/8/2019

So, on my first dates, I always like to make some early joke about sex. If they at least laugh, then I know we will have a good time; if not, then it's time to drink!

3 Commentaires, 36 Consultations, 14 Votes ,2.98 Score
Eatsthebooty 35 H
5  Articles
Anyone just get turned on by strangers   23/8/2019

Nothing like fucking strang

2 Commentaires, 23 Consultations, 16 Votes ,4.60 Score
hot30male4fun 41 H
3  Articles
First Date Creampies   22/8/2019

I would simply like to get peoples honest opinion about first date creampies. Society of course tells us it's not a good idea, but how do people really feel about it? Would you want to if nobody knew? Or would you want want to but just not actually do it because of the risks?

2 Commentaires, 24 Consultations, 12 Votes ,3.51 Score
Frist Date   22/8/2019

So is thinking the first date with someone from this site should be different than someone you meet at church? Am i right?

1 Commentaires, 18 Consultations, 10 Votes ,2.19 Score
Phntmfox2019 41 H
1  Article
First Meeting from Online   21/8/2019

So the first time I ever met a woman I chatted with online was a married woman. I met her at her job. We had been chatting for a good month before this. I was New our when I got there. She asked me if I wanted a tour of her work place. I said ok why not. We finally got to the bathroom area and she asked if I wanted to see the bathroom and winked. I said of course, I love bathrooms lol. Once we ...

2 Commentaires, 37 Consultations, 12 Votes ,1.56 Score
sexuallisima 40 T
0  Articles
prostitute for a couple hrs   21/8/2019

When the recession began in 2007 I lost my job because the owner sold the gas station where I worked and the new owner brought his people to work and I was fired the days went by and passed and I couldn't find work as I had experience as a restaurant manager I went to apply for Cheescake factory of the brea mall and a Mexican man in charge of cooking told me I can't get you for the ...

2 Commentaires, 49 Consultations, 12 Votes ,3.86 Score
us2foragirl 59 C
4  Articles
First time meetings   16/8/2019

It seems some female connections that are interested in meeting are usually interested in sex the first time. Does having a 3some the first time meeting seem too fast?

2 Commentaires, 42 Consultations, 24 Votes ,3.70 Score
Martinez96x 28 H
5  Articles
Fucking   10/8/2019

Do girls fuck on the first date

9 Commentaires, 86 Consultations, 28 Votes ,3.14 Score
best time of any relationship for me....   9/8/2019

Well 1st let me say this is from my own experiences and the 1st dates have always been the nicest sweetest and well as hot tempting times of all.... A few of course did get a lot better as time went on but when I look back it was all about the 1st dates the conversation eye contact getting to know someone lite touching lite kisses calling each other just to hear their voice was so exciting, ...

0 Commentaires, 2 Consultations, 2 Votes ,3.81 Score
Introvertt69 30 H
1  Article
Fresh date   9/8/2019

The fruit is less known in its fresh form in the UK. "In the Middle East, we eat them fresh in the summer, " says Nasrallah. "In Iraq, we these Berben dates. them when they are half sweet and half crunchy. They should be an orangey yellow, with parts of the fruit starting to turn brown and tender." Tamimi buys unripe yellow dates and freezes them to eat like ice cream. And ...

0 Commentaires, 13 Consultations, 11 Votes ,2.79 Score
On first dates...   8/8/2019

Points are fun!

0 Commentaires, 7 Consultations, 6 Votes ,3.08 Score
Babymaker19822 42 H
2  Articles
First date   6/8/2019

Don’t expect sex on a first date, unless you meet the women on this site. Lol

9 Commentaires, 60 Consultations, 17 Votes ,4.12 Score
all_single 55 H
8  Articles
I’m Not Attracted…Should I Date Him   4/8/2019

The question I get from women is, “If I’m not attracted him, should I date him again?” The answer is yes! <br><br> We live in an era where time is limited and dating can feel draining. So why bother dating someone if there’s no chemistry? <br><br> First of all, chemistry is a misguided compass whether something is good or bad us. I jokingly it the “Taco ...

5 Commentaires, 45 Consultations, 31 Votes ,2.76 Score
Hed121409 43 H
6  Articles
Looking for real people   3/8/2019

Looking FOR REAL

1 Commentaires, 33 Consultations, 23 Votes ,3.01 Score
Exhibition414 34 H
6  Articles
Most interesting   1/8/2019

What was your most interesting first date? <br><br> Mine was a simple coffee date. Went ok I thought. Not great. There was good conversation then some awkward pauses. <br><br> She must of enjoyed it though because that night she asked me to come over to drink and smoke and we hooked up.

3 Commentaires, 38 Consultations, 28 Votes ,3.14 Score
Who Kisses on the First Date?   1/8/2019

How many people go in for a first kiss on the first date? If things go well obviously lol Is there anyone that never gets physical on the first date?

6 Commentaires, 40 Consultations, 22 Votes ,3.61 Score
Zx9rlad 56 H
4  Articles
kiss   1/8/2019

how long do you leave it before you go in for the first kiss on a meet up date then ? do you wait for the lady to lean in or just go for it when you think the time is right what do you all think?

2 Commentaires, 23 Consultations, 16 Votes ,2.54 Score
The dream first date   28/7/2019

She walked in, a pink tank top matched her pink shorts, she smiled as I shut the door. Kim's clothes were just right for showing off her curves on her 5'2" body...her brunette hair matched her dark eyes. I was 19, she was 20, and we both had a long weekend home from college. Dinner, then hitting my parents liquor cabinet, kissing led to heavy petting..

1 Commentaires, 27 Consultations, 12 Votes ,1.74 Score
all_single 55 H
8  Articles
wrong guy   28/7/2019

For a relationship be a healthy , there needs be R-E-S-P-E-C-T. Plain and simple. <br><br> If you’re not feeling respected by your significant other, in time your self-esteem will decrease and you will have compromised the most important relationship in your life – the you have with yourself! <br><br> Moreover, for any intimate relationship thrive, it must be built ...

0 Commentaires, 25 Consultations, 17 Votes ,2.84 Score
Points are cool   27/7/2019

Can you get free points on a first date?

3 Commentaires, 22 Consultations, 13 Votes ,2.98 Score
Don't and do's   26/7/2019

Don't just walk up to a woman and ask to do her in the butt. That's just rude.

5 Commentaires, 33 Consultations, 18 Votes ,2.58 Score
Nice to know   26/7/2019

I had met and chatted with a nice lady here on this site (one of the few times that someone actually responded) and we did chat and get to know each other and knew some of likes and dislikes . We made a date and she did live about 60 miles in another town but that is ok too. When I knocked on her door and she answered she was as cute as her picture on site. She invited me in and offered me a ...

4 Commentaires, 61 Consultations, 23 Votes ,4.06 Score
Informed   25/7/2019

I think the best first dates I ever had are the ones that me and the person I was interested in had already been corresponding openly and knew our expectations when we met. It is really nice to be able to get comfortable when you do meet for the date knowing that the two of you have already got a lot into the open and sexuality should also be one of the prime pieces of information to know if you ...

0 Commentaires, 24 Consultations, 13 Votes ,0.63 Score
cadiryda 45 H
7  Articles
First date sex   25/7/2019

How long should you wait before sex

5 Commentaires, 27 Consultations, 13 Votes ,1.47 Score
First date butterflies   25/7/2019

i think the best first dates are when you go somewhere outside when the weather is nice like going to a park.. I like to find out what my dates likes food. hiking biking kayaking. going for walks. Then i pack a cooler with something homemade and fruit and cold drinks. i pick her up and take her to breakfast then its off to the park and find a nice location. Start out hiking and holding hands ...

0 Commentaires, 1 Consultations, 1 Votes ,5.00 Score
First date butterflies   25/7/2019

i think the best first dates are when you go somewhere outside when the weather is nice like going to a park.. I like to find out what my dates likes food. hiking biking kayaking. going for walks. Then i pack a cooler with something homemade and fruit and cold drinks. i pick her up and take her to breakfast then its off to the park and find a nice location. Start out hiking and holding hands ...

0 Commentaires, 0 Consultations, 0 Votes
cleveland_guy214 63 H
3  Articles
Fucking   24/7/2019

Who fucks and who won't fuck on the 1st date. If you won't would you suck cock or eat pussy?

3 Commentaires, 25 Consultations, 11 Votes ,2.23 Score
NYLV7002 43 H
2  Articles
Who's got some good stories?   23/7/2019

Does anyone have some funny stories? Ever meet somewhere like a motel or even a local parking lot and get totally embarrassed? Ever get caught by the cops?

1 Commentaires, 16 Consultations, 8 Votes ,1.39 Score
older   22/7/2019

is it ok to fuck on first dates or wait and get to no them

5 Commentaires, 20 Consultations, 9 Votes ,2.14 Score